Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#7 - Team Work.

Complicated problems often call for creative solutions.  Having a big, beautiful retail store without inventory was an obstacle that needed to be overcome.  I connected with Stefanie from SexyPlus Clothing in January.  She had an online store featuring trendy, stylish plus size clothing and was located in Toronto.  It was the perfect fit for Maximum Woman.  We like to focus on our dress business during the Spring and Summer and I felt that our merchandise would complement each other. 

We formed an alliance and Stefanie came into the store this past February.  Now the store is brimming with new styles and we are able to offer more to our customers -  beautiful summer dresses, Spring coats, great denim, designer labels like Apple Bottoms and Babyphat and formal wear.

Team work is a beautiful thing!

#6 - Open for Business!

We have been closed on Mondays throughout the Winter and with the new Spring weather I made the decision to reopen.  There is LIFE out there now.  There is a lot of street traffic and people are ready to start feeling fresh and beautiful.  Opening Mondays is one more opportunity to provide great customer service to our customers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

#5 - Putting my best face forward.

"Get off your ass and change those damn mannequins" screams my overbearing friend.  "I knowwwww... I really shoulddddd" I hear myself whining. The truth is, I probably changed them twice all winter.  I just couldn't think of anything that was new or unique enough to justify it.  I would look around the store thinking something was too dark, or we only had one of it, or we'd had it for 6 months and then I'd give up.  On this particular day my friend barked at me like an army Sargent until I changed each and every mannequin.  She shoved old dresses and odds and ends my way and I just obeyed meekly.   A week later when she returned she asked me about 3 of the mannequins that were dressed differently. "Well.. um... we sold those things".  And then the gloating began...

But she was right of course.  What's old to me, can be new to my customers.  So I've started changing my mannequins weekly and I'm amazed by the people coming in, mentioning something they saw in the window.  At the urging of another friend, I've started putting mannequins out in front of the store each day and it is just breathing new life into the business.  People are stopping to look, people driving by are doing u-turns in front of the store and I'm feeling really positive.  It's amazing how one small change can make such an impact.