It's probably one of the biggest rules in business marketing - have a business card! It's the most affordable marketing tool - and it's a sign of professionalism. I can't tell you how many times over the last 5 years I've heard excuses from people without one. "It's in the car - I forgot it at home - They are being reprinted" and I smile because I've used all of those excuses and more. At least I'm not the only scattered one, I think:)
When we moved to our new location, we made a mental note to make new business cards. For the first month or two, we scratched out the address on our old ones and used them up. We struggled through the Fall and Winter and whenever the topic of business cards came up, it was usually followed with "well, we don't even know if we are going to be in business next summer".
This week I made the decision to actually get business cards. I glanced at the quantities... 500? 1000? no, 5000 please! It was my commitment to myself that yes, I did indeed need a business card because I was going to be in business for a long long time and it felt great!